Oculofacial Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures

Dr. Farzan Gorgani

After becoming an ophthalmologist, he underwent an additional 2 years of advanced training to become one of only 700 surgeons nationwide as an expert in eyelid, lacrimal (tear) duct, and orbital (the bone cavity surrounding the eye) surgery.

In addition to managing complex medical and surgical medical conditions, Dr Gorgani is particularly skilled in cosmetic facial rejuvenation, including cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty for both upper eyelids and lower eyelids), cosmetic eyebrow lifts.

He offers non-surgical anti-aging treatments including fillers to cheeks, under the eyes, around the mouth, lips and more to address unwanted wrinkles, folds and facial hollows. He is here to help you feel your best and provides customized treatment plans to meet your cosmetic goals.

Why Choose an Oculoplastic Surgeon for Cosmetic Procedures?

An oculofacial plastic surgeon is a doctor specially trained in the health and beauty of the eyes and face. Unlike general plastic/cosmetic surgeons, oculofacial plastic surgeons are also medical eye doctors (ophthalmologists) and have in-depth knowledge of the structure and function of the eyes. They are specifically trained to ensure cosmetic enhancements do not interfere with the function of the eyes (such as causing the lower lids to be pulled down after lower lid blepharoplasty). At New Jersey Eye Center our Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Farzan Gorgani is uniquely qualified to improve your facial beauty and function while protecting your health and vision.

Our Oculoplastic Surgeon

Dr. Farzan Gorgani has an ever-growing reputation as an excellent clinician, educator, and researcher.  As a New York trained surgeon, he implements the latest medical and surgical therapies in the field.  Using minimally invasive techniques, he balances eye function and aesthetics with patient-centered customized approaches.  He is also an active educator, and continues to teach numerous residents, medical students, and researchers at the prestigious New York Eye and Ear, as part of Mount Sinai Medical System.

Our Oculoplastic Services

We offer a number of services including reconstructive surgery for eyelids, orbit and tear drainage system, cosmetic eyelid and facial surgery and non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Dr Gorgani is an expert in eyelid, orbit, and tear drainage surgery including droopy eyelids and eyebrows, eyelid bags, eyelid cancer,, eyelid malpositions, thyroid eye disease/decompression, orbital tumors or masses, and tearing due to tear drainage system problems. Due extensive training in facial anatomy, Dr. Gorgani is a skilled cosmetic injector including fillers to cheeks, under the eyes, around the mouth, lips and more:

  • Blepharoplasty
  • Ptosis
  • Thyroid Eye Disease
  • Orbital Disease and Trauma
  • Eye Removal and Socket Problems
  • Tear Drainage
  • Dermatochalasis
  • Eyelid Malpositions
  • Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm
  • Eyelid lesions and Tumors
  • Facial Nerve Palsy
  • Juvederm