Wondering what kind of cataracts you or your loved one have? You might also be wondering about the surgical procedures ophthalmologists use to remove cataracts. If so, you’re in the right place because the New Jersey Eye Center has collated a wide range of blog posts and articles with in-depth and comprehensive information on cataracts and cataract surgeries.Whether you’d like to know more about diagnosis or the latest eye-surgery technology, we have the information you need here. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please get in touch with us and our friendly team will assist you.

Cataract Surgery Recovery FAQs

2021-01-08T02:19:26-05:00November 25th, 2019|Cataract Surgery|

If you’ve recently been told that you need cataract surgery, you might have questions about the recovery process. The good news is that for most people, recovering from cataract surgery is straightforward. In fact, most people experience no serious complications. Below are some of the frequently asked questions we hear about cataract surgery [...]

Cataract Surgery And Your Options

2021-01-08T02:34:32-05:00October 21st, 2019|Cataract Surgery|

If you’ve recently been told you have cataracts or you need cataract surgery, you do have a few options. Your eye center and ophthalmologist will relay these to you in more detail. But to give you a general overview, this blog post will set out the cataract surgery considerations you’ll come across. Deciding [...]

When To Have Cataract Surgery

2021-01-08T02:50:18-05:00September 16th, 2019|Cataract Surgery|

Because everyone differs in their physiology, there’s no universal answer to when you should have cataract surgery. Instead, there are different time frames for everyone. As a general rule though, cataract surgery should not be undertaken until it’s necessary. Some people have cataracts which do not cause changes to their vision or [...]

10 Interesting Facts About Cataracts

2021-02-12T00:01:41-05:00April 21st, 2019|Cataract Surgery|

Cataracts affect one in six people over 40 in the US. They are the most common cause of blindness and vision loss in adults. But despite their frequency, a lot of people don’t know much about this condition. With that in mind, here are ten interesting facts about cataracts that you may not [...]

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